Savannah's Cerebral Palsy Beauty Pageant Project

Monday, March 15, 2010

My Little Miracle Pageant Queen

Yesterday I competed in the My Little Miracle Pageant in Richmond Virginia.  We started off with Swimwear which was a first for me.  I watched 7 other little girls go before me then I got on stage walked down the runway did my pose then started to walk back.  About half way I stoped and with my back facing the judges I turned my head and gave one last smile before leaving the stage.  After swim wear I got in my beauty gown and waited for my turn to take the stage again and do my interview question.  I was good walking down the runway in my beauty gown but when I got done I got nervous all of a sudden.  The lady introducing us asked me my question "What do you like best about doing pageants?" and all I could say was "Medals and Trophies!".  My mom said I did good but I know it was not the best I could have done.  After beauty was over I had to wait for over an hour for crowning.  They first announced all the optional winners and I got a little trophie for my age group.  Then it was time to announce the Queens for each age group and last was the Grand Supreem Winner. 


All the Queens and the Ultimate Supreme

My Swimwear!

My new friend Alexis, we had so much fun hanging at the pageant!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Donations, Donations, Donations........Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!

Hi everyone I just wanted to take a sec and thank you to all who have donated money to sponser me for my big pageant in April out in Arizona.  I have had so many people be so kind and suportive.  If there is anyone else who would like to help I am still looking.  All you have to do is go down to the donate button on this page and click.  It will take you to paypal where you can put in as little or as much as you want.  Every dollar helps!! Thanks again to all that have and will in the future help.  I am also competing in a pageant this weekend and will be posting my results on Sunday.  In this pageant I will be doing beauty in my gown and for the first time I will be doing swimwear.  Stay tuned for results and more pictures this weekend.

Thinking about something

My Serious look

My new swimwear I can't wait to wear it
On Sunday at the My Little Miracle Pageant

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Beauty is as Beauty Does writen by Robert Kelly-Goss

Last Monday after school my mom and I went down to the Daily Advance so Robert Kelly-Goss could interview me for an article for the sunday paper.  He talked to me about having Cerebral Palsy and about being in beauty pageants.  I was kinda nervous while he was talking to me but excited to see how my article would come out.  So this morning my mom and I got up and went down to a gas station down the road and picked up a copy of the Daily Advance.  I started reading the article as soon as my mom got the paper.  I am so excited for everyone else to read it also.  Here is a link to the article and I hope you like it!